Q.1 How much does a Tempo Traveller cost in Delhi?
The cost to hire a tempo traveller in Delhi per day is 4000 INR
Q.2 Are the Tempo Traveller charges inclusive of toll, parking and fuel charges?
Yes, Harivansh Tours tempo travellers are inclusive of toll, parking and fuel charges
Q.3 Is there any cancellation fees post-payment?
No, there is no cancellation fees post payment
Q.4 How early should I pre-book a Tempo Traveller?
Customers can book a tempo traveller in Delhi immediately on our website and call 7300074449 our customer support service.
Q.5 What isTempo Traveller Cost in Delhi?
Comfort is always a concern when traveling with more than 8 Travellers. Harivansh Tours minibus rental service in Delhi aims to offer comfortable travel at budget-friendly prices. There are no hidden charges for Tempo Traveller per km cost to make the billing system transparent. The minibuses are extremely spacious and comfortable. The only thing that separates the small and medium sized tempos from the large sized tempos is the aisle space. Harivansh Tours offers the most affordable tempo Traveller value in Delhi. For more queries, call us on 07300074449. Tempo Traveller has no hidden charges per km, which makes the billing system quite transparent as compared to booking a taxi or availing a car rental service in Delhi. The more sets, the bigger the aisle. Apart from these, our other premium services include 24/7 support, verified drivers, tour experts, customizable tour programs and ACs and more.